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Creates an inbox in a specified context for a group of users, managed by a set of managers. This method creates an inbox associated with a given context ID, assigning users and managers to it, while attaching metadata and configuration for files if needed.

func createInbox(
in contextId: String,
for users: [privmx.endpoint.core.UserWithPubKey],
managedBy managaers: [privmx.endpoint.core.UserWithPubKey],
withPublicMeta publicMeta: Data,
withPrivateMeta privateMeta: Data,
withFilesConfig filesConfig: privmx.endpoint.inbox.FilesConfig?
) throws -> String

contextIdStringThe unique identifier for the context in which the inbox is being created.
users[privmx.endpoint.core.UserWithPubKey]An array of `UserWithPubKey` objects representing the users who will have access to the inbox.
managaers[privmx.endpoint.core.UserWithPubKey]An array of `UserWithPubKey` objects representing the managers responsible for managing the inbox.
publicMetaDataPublic metadata to be associated with the inbox, provided as `Data`.
privateMetaDataPrivate metadata to be associated with the inbox, provided as `Data`.
filesConfigprivmx.endpoint.inbox.FilesConfig?Optional configuration for managing files in the inbox, provided as `FilesConfig`.

String A `String` representing the ID of the newly created inbox.


Updates an existing inbox by replacing its users, managers, metadata, and configuration with new values. This method updates the specified inbox, replacing its current users, managers, and metadata (both public and private) with the new ones provided. It also allows updating the files configuration, optionally forcing the update and generating a new key if necessary.

func updateInbox(
_ inboxId: String,
replacingUsers users: [privmx.endpoint.core.UserWithPubKey],
replacingManagers managers: [privmx.endpoint.core.UserWithPubKey],
replacingPublicMeta publicMeta: Data,
replacingPrivateMeta privateMeta: Data,
replacingFilesConfig filesConfig: privmx.endpoint.inbox.FilesConfig?,
atVersion version: Int64,
force: Bool,
forceGenerateNewKey: Bool
) throws -> Void

inboxIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox to be updated, provided as a `String`.
users[privmx.endpoint.core.UserWithPubKey]An array of `UserWithPubKey` representing the new users for the inbox.
managers[privmx.endpoint.core.UserWithPubKey]An array of `UserWithPubKey` representing the new managers for the inbox.
publicMetaDataThe new public metadata associated with the inbox, passed as `Data`.
privateMetaDataThe new private metadata associated with the inbox, passed as `Data`.
filesConfigprivmx.endpoint.inbox.FilesConfig?Optional new configuration for managing files in the inbox, provided as `FilesConfig`.
versionInt64The current version of the inbox, provided as an `Int64`. This is used for version control to ensure updates are applied correctly.
forceBoolA `Bool` indicating whether the update should be forced, even if there are version conflicts.
forceGenerateNewKeyBoolA `Bool` indicating whether a new key should be generated for the inbox during the update.

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.


Retrieves the inbox associated with the given inbox ID. This method fetches an inbox based on its unique identifier, returning detailed information about the inbox, such as its users, managers, and metadata.

func getInbox(
_ inboxId: String
) throws -> privmx.endpoint.inbox.Inbox

inboxIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox to retrieve, provided as a `String`.

privmx.endpoint.inbox.Inbox An `Inbox` object representing the detailed state of the requested inbox.


Lists all inboxes in the specified context, based on the given paging query. This method retrieves a list of inboxes associated with a specific context, with the results potentially being paginated according to the provided PagingQuery.

func listInboxes(
from contextId: String,
basedOn pagingQuery: privmx.endpoint.core.PagingQuery
) throws -> privmx.InboxList

contextIdStringThe unique identifier of the context from which inboxes will be listed.
pagingQueryprivmx.endpoint.core.PagingQueryThe query object that defines the pagination settings, such as limit, offset (skip) and sortOrder.

privmx.InboxList An `InboxList` object that contains the list of inboxes and associated pagination details.


Retrieves the public view of the specified inbox. This method fetches the public view of an inbox, which includes public metadata that can be accessed without privileged access.

func getInboxPublicView(
for inboxId:String
) throws -> privmx.endpoint.inbox.InboxPublicView

inboxIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox to retrieve the public view for, provided as a `String`.

privmx.endpoint.inbox.InboxPublicView An `InboxPublicView` object containing the public metadata and details of the requested inbox.


Deletes the inbox with the specified ID. This method removes the inbox identified by the given inbox ID, effectively deleting all associated data.

func deleteInbox(
_ inboxId: String
) throws -> Void

inboxIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox to delete, provided as a `String`.

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.


Prepares an entry to be sent to the specified inbox, optionally attaching file handles. This method prepares a new entry to be sent to the inbox identified by inboxId. The entry can contain metadata and optional files, represented by InboxFileHandle objects. A private key may be provided for encryption purposes.

func prepareEntry(
in inboxId: String,
containing data: Data,
attaching inboxFilesHandles: [privmx.InboxFileHandle],
as userPrivateKey: String?
) throws -> privmx.InboxHandle

inboxIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox to which the entry will be sent, provided as a `String`.
dataDataThe main content of the entry, provided as `Data`.
inboxFilesHandles[privmx.InboxFileHandle]An array of `InboxFileHandle` objects representing any files that should be attached to the entry.
userPrivateKeyString?An optional private key for encryption, provided as a `String`. Otherwise random key is used.

privmx.InboxHandle An `InboxHandle` object representing the prepared entry that can be sent.


Sends a previously prepared entry to its corresponding inbox. This method sends an entry that has been prepared using prepareEntry. The InboxHandle must be passed, which represents the entry that was previously prepared for submission.

func sendEntry(
to inboxHandle: privmx.InboxHandle
) throws -> Void

inboxHandleprivmx.InboxHandleThe handle of the prepared entry to be sent, provided as an `InboxHandle`.

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.


Reads the content of a specific inbox entry identified by its entry ID. This method retrieves the content and metadata of an inbox entry based on its unique identifier. Read access to the Inbox is required to successfully read its content.

func readEntry(
_ inboxEntryId: String
) throws -> privmx.endpoint.inbox.InboxEntry

inboxEntryIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox entry to read, provided as a `String`.

privmx.endpoint.inbox.InboxEntry An `InboxEntry` object representing the full content and metadata of the specified entry.


Lists all entries in the specified inbox, based on the provided paging query. This method retrieves a list of inbox entries associated with a specific inbox ID, with the results potentially being paginated according to the provided PagingQuery.

func listEntries(
from inboxId: String,
basedOn pagingQuery: privmx.endpoint.core.PagingQuery
) throws -> privmx.InboxEntryList

inboxIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox from which entries will be listed, provided as a `String`.
pagingQueryprivmx.endpoint.core.PagingQueryThe query object that defines the pagination settings, such as limit and offset.

privmx.InboxEntryList An `InboxEntryList` object containing the list of entries and associated pagination details.


Deletes a specific inbox entry identified by its entry ID. This method removes the inbox entry identified by the provided entry ID, deleting its content and metadata. Full access to the inbox is required to successfully perform the deletion.

func deleteEntry(
_ inboxEntryId: String
) throws -> Void

inboxEntryIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox entry to delete, provided as a `String`.

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.


Creates a file handle for attaching files to an inbox entry. This method prepares a file handle, including public and private metadata, as well as the file size. The file handle is used when attaching files to an inbox entry before sending.

func createFileHandle(
withPublicMeta publicMeta: Data,
withPrivateMeta privateMeta: Data,
forSize fileSize: Int64
) throws -> privmx.InboxFileHandle

publicMetaDataPublic metadata for the file, provided as `Data`.
privateMetaDataPrivate metadata for the file, provided as `Data`.
fileSizeInt64The size of the file in bytes, provided as an `Int64`.

privmx.InboxFileHandle An `InboxFileHandle` object representing the prepared file that can be attached to an inbox entry.


Writes a chunk of data to a file associated with a prepared inbox entry. This method uploads a chunk of data to a file that is part of a prepared inbox entry. The InboxFileHandle represents the file, and the InboxHandle represents the entry being prepared.

func writeToFile(
_ inboxFileHandle: privmx.InboxFileHandle,
in inboxHandle: privmx.InboxHandle,
uploading dataChunk: Data
) throws -> Void

inboxFileHandleprivmx.InboxFileHandleThe handle of the file to which data will be written, provided as an `InboxFileHandle`.
inboxHandleprivmx.InboxHandleThe handle of the inbox entry that the file is associated with, provided as an `InboxHandle`.
dataChunkDataThe chunk of data to be uploaded, provided as `Data`.

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.


Opens a file associated with the given file ID and returns a file handle. This method opens a file based on its unique file ID and returns a handle that can be used to read from or write to the file. The file must be closed using closeFile after operations are completed.

func openFile(
_ fileId: String
) throws -> privmx.InboxFileHandle

fileIdStringThe unique identifier of the file to open, provided as a `String`.

privmx.InboxFileHandle An `InboxFileHandle` object representing the opened file, which can be used for further operations.


Reads a specified number of bytes from an open file. This method reads up to length bytes from a file, starting from the current file pointer position, and returns the data as a Data object.

func readFromFile(
withHandle fileHandle: privmx.InboxFileHandle,
length: Int64
) throws -> Data

fileHandleprivmx.InboxFileHandleThe handle of the file to read from, provided as an `InboxFileHandle`.
lengthInt64The number of bytes to read from the file, provided as an `Int64`.

Data A `Data` object containing the bytes read from the file.


Moves the file pointer to a specified position within a file. This method adjusts the file pointer to the given position in a file associated with the provided file handle. It is useful for reading from or writing to a specific part of a file.

func seekInFile(
withHandle fileHandle: privmx.InboxFileHandle,
toPosition position: Int64
) throws -> Void

fileHandleprivmx.InboxFileHandleThe handle of the file to seek in, provided as an `InboxFileHandle`.
positionInt64The position (in bytes) to move the file pointer to, provided as an `Int64`.

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.


Closes an open file associated with the given file handle. This method closes a file that was opened using openFile. It ensures that all pending changes are written and that the file handle is released.

func closeFile(
withHandle fileHandle: privmx.InboxFileHandle
) throws -> String

fileHandleprivmx.InboxFileHandleThe handle of the file to close, provided as an `InboxFileHandle`.

String A `String` representing the result or status after closing the file.


Subscribes to receive general inbox events. This method subscribes to receive notifications or events related to all inboxes.

func subscribeForInboxEvents(
) throws -> Void

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.


Unsubscribes from receiving general inbox events. This method unsubscribes the client from receiving notifications or events related to inboxes.

func unsubscribeFromInboxEvents(
) throws -> Void

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.


Subscribes to receive entry events for a specific inbox. This method subscribes to receive notifications or events related to entries within the specified inbox. Once subscribed, the client will be notified of any changes or updates to the entries in the inbox.

func subscribeForEntryEvents(
in inboxId: String
) throws -> Void

inboxIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox to subscribe to for entry events, provided as a `String`.

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.


Unsubscribes from receiving entry events for a specific inbox. This method unsubscribes the client from receiving notifications or events related to entries within the specified inbox. It stops further event notifications for that inbox.

func unsubscribeFromEntryEvents(
in inboxId: String
) throws -> Void

inboxIdStringThe unique identifier of the inbox to unsubscribe from entry events, provided as a `String`.

This method returns `Void` and does not provide any result on success.