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The PrivMXEndpointContainer class serves as the central management component for handling multiple PrivMXEndpoint instances within PrivMX system. It is responsible for initializing, managing, and disconnecting endpoints, as well as providing cryptographic services and event handling capabilities. This class operates in a concurrent environment with support for handling cryptographic operations, managing secure communication endpoints, and listening for events. It also supports asynchronous endpoint creation, disconnection, and event processing.



Provides access to cryptographic operations via `PrivMXCrypto`.

public private(set) var cryptoApi:PrivMXCrypto = CryptoApi.create()



public init()


Retrieves an PrivMXEndpoint instance from the container based on its ID.

public func getEndpoint(
_ id: Int64
) -> PrivMXEndpoint?

idInt64The connection ID of the desired `PrivMXEndpoint`.

PrivMXEndpoint? The `PrivMXEndpoint` with the specified ID, if it exists; otherwise, returns `nil`.


Returns an array of all connected endpoint IDs. This is useful when managing multiple endpoints and retrieving their connection IDs.

public func getEndpointIds(
) -> [Int64]

[Int64] An array of connection IDs for all connected endpoints.


Initializes a new PrivMXEndpoint and adds it to the container. This method creates a new PrivMXEndpoint with the specified modules, user credentials, and platform details, and adds it to the endpoints dictionary.

public func newEndpoint(
enabling modules:Set<PrivMXModule>,
connectingAs userPrivKey:String,
to solutionId:String,
on bridgeUrl:String
) async throws -> PrivMXEndpoint

modulesSet<PrivMXModule>A set of modules to be initialized with the new endpoint.
userPrivKeyStringThe user’s private key in WIF format.
solutionIdStringThe unique identifier of PrivMX solution.
bridgeUrlStringThe URL of PrivMX Bridge.

PrivMXEndpoint The newly created `PrivMXEndpoint` instance.


Initializes a new PrivMXEndpoint and adds it to the container. This method creates a new PrivMXEndpoint with the specified modules and platform details, and adds it to the endpoints dictionary. Note it is only useful for

public func newPublicEndpoint(
enabling modules:Set<PrivMXModule>,
to solutionId:String,
on bridgeUrl:String
) async throws -> PrivMXEndpoint

modulesSet<PrivMXModule>A set of modules to be initialized with the new endpoint.
solutionIdStringThe unique identifier of the PrivMX solution.
bridgeUrlStringThe URL of the PrivMX Bridge.

PrivMXEndpoint The newly created `PrivMXEndpoint` instance.


Disconnects and removes an endpoint from the container. This method terminates the connection of the specified endpoint and removes it from the container.

public func disconnect(
endpoint: Int64
) throws -> Void

endpointInt64The connection ID of the endpoint to be disconnected.


Disconnects and removes all endpoints from the container. This method terminates the connections of all endpoints managed by the container and clears the container.

public func disconnectAll(
) throws -> Void


Sets the path to the .pem file containing the certificates required for establishing secure connections. This method configures the path to the certificates needed for secure communication with PrivMX Bridge. The exact certificates depend on your Bridge setup.

public func setCertsPath(
to path: String
) throws -> Void

pathStringThe file path to the `.pem` certificate file.


Stops listening for events but does not remove event listeners. This method emits a “break” event to pause event listening without removing the registered listeners.

public func stopListening(
) async throws -> Void


Starts listening for events in PrivMX system. This method begins listening for events such as updates or notifications within PrivMX system. If the listener is already running, an error will be thrown.

public func startListening() async throws