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Swift wrapper for privmx.NativeCryptoApiWrapper. This class provides cryptographic functions such as key generation, encryption, and decryption, as well as signing data. It wraps the underlying C++ implementation for use in Swift.



Generates a new Private Key, which can be used for accessing PrivMX Bridge. This method generates a private key using an optional base string (seed) for added randomness. The generated key is returned in WIF (Wallet Import Format).

public func generatePrivateKey(
withSeed randomSeed: String?
) throws -> String

randomSeedString?An optional seed string to generate the private key. If `nil`, a random seed is used.

String A WIF formatted private key as a `String`.


Generates a new Symmetric Key for AES encryption. This method creates a 256-bit symmetric key, which can be used for AES encryption and decryption.

public func generateKeySymmetric(
) throws -> Data

Data A 256-bit symmetric key as `Data`.


Derives a Public Key from a given Private Key. This method derives the corresponding public key from a provided private key, formatted in WIF.

public func derivePublicKey(
from keyPriv: String
) throws -> String

keyPrivStringThe private key in WIF format (Wallet Import Format) from which the public key will be derived.

String The derived public key as a `String`.


Deterministically derives a Private Key from a password and salt. This method generates a private key using a combination of a password and salt. The resulting private key is derived in a deterministic way, ensuring the same password and salt will always produce the same private key.

public func derivePrivateKey(
from password: String,
and salt: String
) throws -> String

passwordStringThe base string (password) used for private key generation.
saltStringA string used as salt for private key generation.

String The derived private key in WIF format (Wallet Import Format) as a `String`.


Deterministically derives a Private Key from a password and salt. This method generates a private key using a combination of a password and salt. The resulting private key is derived in a deterministic way, ensuring the same password and salt will always produce the same private key.

public func derivePrivateKey2(
from password: String,
and salt: String
) throws -> String

passwordStringThe base string (password) used for private key generation.
saltStringA string used as salt for private key generation.

String The derived private key in WIF format (Wallet Import Format) as a `String`.


Signs the given data using a Private Key. This method creates a digital signature for the provided data using a specified private key (in WIF format).

public func signData(
_ data: Data,
with privateKey: String
) throws -> Data

dataDataThe data to be signed, provided as `Data`.
privateKeyStringThe private key (WIF format) used for signing the data.

Data The signed data as `Data`.


Encrypts data using AES symmetric encryption. This method encrypts the provided data using AES encryption with a 256-bit symmetric key.

public func encryptDataSymmetric(
_ data: Data,
with symmetricKey: Data
) throws -> Data

dataDataThe data to be encrypted, provided as `Data`.
symmetricKeyDataThe 256-bit symmetric key used for AES encryption.

Data The encrypted data as `Data`.


Decrypts data using AES symmetric encryption. This method decrypts the provided data using AES encryption with a 256-bit symmetric key.

public func decryptDataSymmetric(
_ data: Data, /// test
with symmetricKey: Data
) throws -> Data

dataDataThe encrypted data to be decrypted, provided as `Data`.
symmetricKeyDataThe 256-bit symmetric key used for AES decryption.

Data The decrypted data as `Data`.


Converts a PEM formatted key to WIF format. This method converts a private key from PEM (Privacy-Enhanced Mail) format to Wallet Import Format (WIF).

public func convertPEMKeyToWIFKey(
_ pemKey: String
) throws -> String

pemKeyStringThe private key in PEM format.

String The converted private key in WIF format as a `String`.


Validate a signature of data using given key.

public func verifySignature(
data: Data,
signature: Data,
publicKey: String
) throws -> Bool

dataDatabuffer containing the data signature of which is being verified.
signatureDatasignature to be verified.
publicKeyStringpublic ECC key in BASE58DER format used to validate data.

Bool data validation result.