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Work in progress

Swift is not up to date with the core documentation. Some of the features you've seen described in other parts of the documentation might not be mentioned here. Those changes do not influence compatibility, however

Getting Started

Initial Requirements

To start developing using PrivMX Endpoint Swift you need a PrivMX Bridge instance.

To connect it to your environment, you need:

  • Bridge URL - URL address of the instance of your PrivMX Bridge
  • Solution ID - ID of the Solution provided by PrivMX Bridge during its initialization process
  • User Private Key - the private key from the user's public-private key pair

You also need to use your own application server to manage users (and their keys) and Contexts.


Our Swift packages contain all the necessary assets and helpers to get started with PrivMX Endpoint. Select which level is the best for you. Go to Swift overview to see the descriptions of each package.

Swift Dependencies

Swift Dependencies are managed by Swift Package Manager, and published on Simplito's Github.

  1. Add privmx-endpoint-swift-extra package to your project using Xcode's built-in package management:

It should be present in Package Dependencies as well as in target's "Link Binary With Libraries" section.

  1. Everywhere you want to use PrivMX Package, you need to import:
import PrivMXEndpointSwift
import PrivMXEndpointSwiftExtra
import PrivMXEndpointSwiftNative

Shared Libraries

Our privmx-endpoint-swift-extra package depends on privmx-endpoint-swift package, which depends on a set of native libraries, which are downloaded automatically by Xcode. They are all compiled for arm and Intel architectures for using with iOS, macOS and simulator environments.

Initial Assumptions

The initial assumptions for all the code examples below are as follows:

All the values below like BRIDGE_URL, SOLUTION_ID, CONTEXT_ID
should be replaced by the ones corresponding to your Bridge Server instance.

The private keys here are for demonstration purposes only.
Normally, they should be kept separately by each user and stored in a safe place,
or generated from a password (see the derivePrivateKey2() method in the Crypto API)


let USER1_ID = "USER_ID_1";

let USER2_ID = "USER_ID_2";

let USER3_ID = "USER_ID_3";

Connecting to PrivMX Bridge

To use any of the library's elements, you must first connect to PrivMX Bridge. Use the API keys mentioned earlier. You can use PrivMXEndpointContainer and its helper functions or manually instantiate PrivMXEndpoint. This is the most recommended approach.

 // Initialize the endpoint container
var endpointContainer = PrivMXEndpointContainer()

// Set the path to the certificate matching Your installation
guard let pathToCerts = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "cacert", ofType: "pem") else { return }
try endpointContainer.setCertsPath(to: pathToCerts)

// Establish a new endpoint session
var endpointSession = try await endpointContainer.newEndpoint(
enabling: [.thread,.store,.inbox],
connectingAs: USER1_PRIVATE_KEY,

Certificates should be set up accordingly to the Local Bridge Installation. More details are available here.

The active connection is kept by endpointContainer and can be accessed with getPrivmxEndpoint() function.

let endpointSessionId:Int64 = 0 //need to be initialized during session setup
let endpointSession = endpointContainer?.getEndpoint(endpointSessionId)
//by passing value indexed by connectionID

Disconnecting from PrivMX Bridge

While using PrivMXEndpointContainer, you can run disconnect on endpointContainer object. It ends all underlying connections.

 try? endpointContainer?.disconnectAll()


Compilation requires C++ interoperability turned on in the project settings, which can be found here:

Project > Target > Build Settings > C++ and Objective-C interoperability = C++ / Objective-C++

Next Steps

With everything ready to go, now it's time to start using all of the Platform's capabilities.

Learn how to use:

  • Threads - for exchanging encrypted messages;
  • Stores - for saving and sharing encrypted file;
  • Inboxes - for one way communication with external users.