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Swift wrapper for privmx.NativeConnectionWrapper, used to establish and manage secure connections with PrivMX platform.

Static Methods​


Establishes an authorized connection to PrivMX Bridge. This method initiates a secured connection to PrivMX Bridge using the user’s private key. The connection allows for the execution of secured operations within a specified Solution.

public static func connect(
as userPrivKey: String,
to solutionID: String,
on bridgeUrl: String
) throws -> any PrivMXConnection

userPrivKeyStringThe user’s private key used for authentication (WIF format).
solutionIDStringThe unique identifier of the Solution to connect to.
bridgeUrlStringThe URL of PrivMX Bridge to connect to.

any PrivMXConnection A new `PrivMXConnection` instance representing the established connection.


Establishes a public connection to PrivMX Bridge. This method initiates a public connection to PrivMX Bridge, which is typically used for operations that do not require authentication, such as handling inbound traffic to an Inbox.

public static func connectPublic(
to solutionID: String,
on bridgeUrl: String
) throws -> any PrivMXConnection

solutionIDStringThe unique identifier of the Solution to connect to.
bridgeUrlStringThe URL of PrivMX Bridge to connect to.

any PrivMXConnection A new `PrivMXConnection` instance representing the public connection.


Sets the path to the .pem file containing certificates required for establishing a connection. This method configures the path to a .pem file with certificates necessary to authenticate the connection. The required certificates depend on the specific setup of PrivMX Bridge.

public static func setCertsPath(
_ path: String
) throws

pathStringThe path to the `.pem` file containing the required certificates.



Lists all available Contexts for the authorized user in the current Solution. This method retrieves a list of Contexts available to the user, filtered according to the provided query.

public func listContexts(
basedOn query: privmx.endpoint.core.PagingQuery
) throws -> privmx.ContextList

queryprivmx.endpoint.core.PagingQueryA `PagingQuery` object to filter the list of Contexts.

privmx.ContextList A `privmx.endpoint.core.ContextList` instance containing the list of Contexts.