Swift wrapper for privmx.NativeStoreApiWrapper
, providing functionality to manage Stores and files within PrivMX platform.
Static Methods
Creates a new instance of StoreApi
from a connection object.
This method initializes the StoreApi
instance, enabling Store-related operations over the specified connection.
public static func create ( connection : inout Connection ) throws - > StoreApi
Params Name Type Description connection inout Connection
The connection object used for Store operations.
Returns Type Description StoreApi
A newly created `StoreApi` instance.
Lists all Stores the user has access to within a specified Context.
public func listStores ( contextId : std . string , query : privmx . endpoint . core . PagingQuery ) throws - > privmx . StoreList
Params Name Type Description contextId std.string
The Context from which the Stores should be listed. query privmx.endpoint.core.PagingQuery
A `PagingQuery` object to filter and paginate the results.
Returns Type Description privmx.StoreList
A `privmx.StoreList` instance containing the list of Stores.
Retrieves detailed information about a specified Store.
public func getStore ( storeId : std . string ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . store . Store
Params Name Type Description storeId std.string
The unique identifier of the Store to retrieve.
Returns Type Description
A `` instance containing Store details.
Creates a new Store within a specified Context.
This method creates a new Store with specified users and managers. Note that managers must be added as users to gain access to the Store.
public func createStore ( contextId : std . string , users : privmx . UserWithPubKeyVector , managers : privmx . UserWithPubKeyVector , publicMeta : privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer , privateMeta : privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer ) throws - > std . string
Params Name Type Description contextId std.string
The Context in which the Store should be created. users privmx.UserWithPubKeyVector
A vector of users who will have access to the Store. managers privmx.UserWithPubKeyVector
A vector of managers responsible for the Store. publicMeta privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
Public metadata for the Store, which will not be encrypted. privateMeta privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
Private metadata for the Store, which will be encrypted.
Returns Type Description std.string
The ID of the newly created Store as a `std.string`.
Updates an existing Store.
The provided values will override the existing ones. You can also force regeneration of the Store’s key if needed.
public func updateStore ( storeId : std . string , version : Int64 , users : privmx . UserWithPubKeyVector , managers : privmx . UserWithPubKeyVector , publicMeta : privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer , privateMeta : privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer , force : Bool , forceGenerateNewKey : Bool ) throws - > Void
Params Name Type Description storeId std.string
The unique identifier of the Store to be updated. version Int64
The current version of the Store for consistency checking. users privmx.UserWithPubKeyVector
A vector of users who will have access to the Store. managers privmx.UserWithPubKeyVector
A vector of managers responsible for the Store. publicMeta privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
New public metadata for the Store, which will not be encrypted. privateMeta privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
New private metadata for the Store, which will be encrypted. force Bool
Whether to force the update, bypassing version control. forceGenerateNewKey Bool
Whether to generate a new key for the Store.
Deletes a specified Store.
public func deleteStore ( storeId : std . string ) throws - > Void
Params Name Type Description storeId std.string
The unique identifier of the Store to delete.
Retrieves detailed information about a specified file.
public func getFile ( fileId : std . string ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . store . File
Params Name Type Description fileId std.string
The unique identifier of the file to retrieve.
Returns Type Description
A `` instance representing the file details.
Lists all files in a specified Store.
This method retrieves metadata about files in the Store. To download files, use the openFile()
and readFile()
public func listFiles ( storeId : std . string , query : privmx . endpoint . core . PagingQuery ) throws - > privmx . FileList
Params Name Type Description storeId std.string
The Store from which to list files. query privmx.endpoint.core.PagingQuery
A `PagingQuery` object to filter and paginate the results.
Returns Type Description privmx.FileList
A `privmx.FileList` instance containing the list of files.
Creates a new file handle for writing in a Store.
Use writeToFile()
to upload data to this handle and closeFile()
to finalize the process.
public func createFile ( storeId : std . string , publicMeta : privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer , privateMeta : privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer , size : Int64 ) throws - > privmx . StoreFileHandle
Params Name Type Description storeId std.string
The Store in which the file should be created. publicMeta privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
Public metadata for the file. privateMeta privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
Private metadata for the file. size Int64
The size of the file in bytes.
Returns Type Description privmx.StoreFileHandle
A `privmx.StoreFileHandle` for writing to the file.
Moves the read cursor within an open file.
public func seekInFile ( handle : privmx . StoreFileHandle , position : Int64 ) throws - > Void
Params Name Type Description handle privmx.StoreFileHandle
The handle to the open file. position Int64
The new position of the read cursor in bytes.
Updates an existing file within a Store.
This method creates a new handle for updating the file’s content and metadata. Use writeToFile()
to upload data and closeFile()
to finalize the update.
public func updateFile ( fileId : std . string , publicMeta : privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer , privateMeta : privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer , size : Int64 ) throws - > privmx . StoreFileHandle
Params Name Type Description fileId std.string
The unique identifier of the file to be updated. publicMeta privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
New public metadata for the file. privateMeta privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
New private metadata for the file. size Int64
The size of the updated file in bytes.
Returns Type Description privmx.StoreFileHandle
A `privmx.StoreFileHandle` for writing to the updated file.
Closes an open file handle.
This method finalizes a file operation, such as writing or updating.
public func closeFile ( handle : privmx . StoreFileHandle ) throws - > std . string
Params Name Type Description handle privmx.StoreFileHandle
The handle to the open file.
Returns Type Description std.string
The ID of the closed file as a `std.string`.
Opens a file for reading from the Store.
public func openFile ( fileId : std . string ) throws - > privmx . StoreFileHandle
Params Name Type Description fileId std.string
The unique identifier of the file to be opened.
Returns Type Description privmx.StoreFileHandle
A `privmx.StoreFileHandle` for reading the file.
Reads data from an open file.
public func readFromFile ( handle : privmx . StoreFileHandle , length : Int64 ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer
Params Name Type Description handle privmx.StoreFileHandle
The handle to the open file. length Int64
The number of bytes to read.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
A buffer containing the read data.
Writes a chunk of data to an open file on the platform.
public func writeToFile ( handle : privmx . StoreFileHandle , dataChunk : privmx . endpoint . core . Buffer ) throws - > Void
Params Name Type Description handle privmx.StoreFileHandle
The handle to the open file. dataChunk privmx.endpoint.core.Buffer
The chunk of data to be written to the file.
Deletes a specified file from the Store.
public func deleteFile ( fileId : std . string ) throws - > Void
Params Name Type Description fileId std.string
The unique identifier of the file to delete.
Subscribes to Store-related events.
public func subscribeForStoreEvents ( ) throws - > Void
Unsubscribes from Store-related events.
public func unsubscribeFromStoreEvents ( ) throws - > Void
Subscribes to file-related events within a specified Store.
public func subscribeForFileEvents ( storeId : std . string ) throws - > Void
Params Name Type Description storeId std.string
The unique identifier of the Store to subscribe to file events for.
Unsubscribes from file-related events within a specified Store.
public func unsubscribeFromFileEvents ( storeId : std . string ) throws - > Void
Params Name Type Description storeId std.string
The unique identifier of the Store to unsubscribe from file events for.