EventHandler</codeVoice> is a collection of static methods that provide type-checking and event extraction capabilities for events held within <codeVoice>EventHolder</codeVoice> objects. These methods verify if specific events, such as connection and disconnection events, are contained within an <codeVoice>EventHolder
, and extract the events if present. It acts as a Swift wrapper for PrivMX Core Event handling mechanisms.
Static Methods
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>LibConnectedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
to determine if it contains an event that corresponds to a LibConnectedEvent
public static func isLibConnectedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `LibConnectedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>LibDisconnectedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
to determine if it contains an event that corresponds to a LibDisconnectedEvent
public static func isLibDisconnectedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `LibDisconnectedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>LibPlatformDisconnectedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
to determine if it contains an event that corresponds to a LibPlatformDisconnectedEvent
public static func isLibPlatformDisconnectedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `LibPlatformDisconnectedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Extracts a LibConnectedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractLibConnectedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . core . LibConnectedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `LibConnectedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.core.LibConnectedEvent
The extracted `LibConnectedEvent`.
Extracts a LibDisconnectedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractLibDisconnectedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . core . LibDisconnectedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `LibDisconnectedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.core.LibDisconnectedEvent
The extracted `LibDisconnectedEvent`.
Extracts a LibPlatformDisconnectedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractLibPlatformDisconnectedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . core . LibPlatformDisconnectedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `LibPlatformDisconnectedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.core.LibPlatformDisconnectedEvent
The extracted `LibPlatformDisconnectedEvent`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>LibBreakEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
to determine if it contains a LibBreakEvent
public static func isLibBreakEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `LibBreakEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Extracts a LibBreakEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractLibBreakEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . core . LibBreakEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `LibBreakEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.core.LibBreakEvent
The extracted `LibBreakEvent`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>StoreCreatedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
instance to determine if it holds an event that corresponds to a StoreCreatedEvent
public static func isStoreCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the event contained within the `EventHolder` is a `StoreCreatedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>StoreUpdatedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
instance to determine if it holds an event that corresponds to a StoreUpdatedEvent
public static func isStoreUpdatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the event contained within the `EventHolder` is a `StoreUpdatedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>StoreDeletedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
instance to determine if it holds an event that corresponds to a StoreDeletedEvent
public static func isStoreDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the event contained within the `EventHolder` is a `StoreDeletedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>StoreStatsChangedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
instance to determine if it holds an event that corresponds to a StoreStatsChangedEvent
public static func isStoreStatsChangedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the event contained within the `EventHolder` is a `StoreStatsChangedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>StoreFileCreatedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
instance to determine if it holds an event that corresponds to a StoreFileCreatedEvent
public static func isStoreFileCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the event contained within the `EventHolder` is a `StoreFileCreatedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>StoreFileUpdatedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
instance to determine if it holds an event that corresponds to a StoreFileUpdatedEvent
public static func isStoreFileUpdatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the event contained within the `EventHolder` is a `StoreFileUpdatedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>StoreFileDeletedEvent
This method queries the provided EventHolder
instance to determine if it holds an event that corresponds to a StoreFileDeletedEvent
public static func isStoreFileDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance to be queried.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the event contained within the `EventHolder` is a `StoreFileDeletedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Extracts a StoreCreatedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractStoreCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . store . StoreCreatedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `StoreCreatedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.store.StoreCreatedEvent
The extracted `StoreCreatedEvent`.
Extracts a StoreCreatedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractStoreUpdatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . store . StoreUpdatedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `StoreCreatedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.store.StoreUpdatedEvent
The extracted `StoreCreatedEvent`.
Extracts a StoreDeletedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractStoreDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . store . StoreDeletedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `StoreDeletedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.store.StoreDeletedEvent
The extracted `StoreDeletedEvent`.
Extracts a StoreStatsChangedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractStoreStatsChangedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . store . StoreStatsChangedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `StoreStatsChangedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.store.StoreStatsChangedEvent
The extracted `StoreStatsChangedEvent`.
Extracts a StoreFileCreatedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractStoreFileCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . store . StoreFileCreatedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `StoreFileCreatedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.store.StoreFileCreatedEvent
The extracted `StoreFileCreatedEvent`.
Extracts a StoreFileUpdatedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractStoreFileUpdatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . store . StoreFileUpdatedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `StoreFileUpdatedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.store.StoreFileUpdatedEvent
The extracted `StoreFileUpdatedEvent`.
Extracts a StoreFileDeletedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractStoreFileDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . store . StoreFileDeletedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` containing a `StoreFileDeletedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.store.StoreFileDeletedEvent
The extracted `StoreFileDeletedEvent`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>ThreadCreatedEvent
This method verifies whether the provided EventHolder
instance contains an event that corresponds to a privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadCreatedEvent
public static func isThreadCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance containing an event to check.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `ThreadCreatedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>ThreadUpdatedEvent
This method verifies whether the provided EventHolder
instance contains an event that corresponds to a privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadUpdatedEvent
public static func isThreadUpdatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance containing an event to check.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `ThreadUpdatedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>ThreadDeletedEvent
This method verifies whether the provided EventHolder
instance contains an event that corresponds to a privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadDeletedEvent
public static func isThreadDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance containing an event to check.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `ThreadDeletedEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>ThreadStatsEvent
This method verifies whether the provided EventHolder
instance contains an event that corresponds to a privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadStatsEvent
public static func isThreadStatsEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance containing an event to check.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `ThreadStatsEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>ThreadNewMessageEvent
This method verifies whether the provided EventHolder
instance contains an event that corresponds to a privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadNewMessageEvent
public static func isThreadNewMessageEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance containing an event to check.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `ThreadNewMessageEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Checks if the EventHolder</codeVoice> contains a <codeVoice>ThreadDeletedMessageEvent
This method verifies whether the provided EventHolder
instance contains an event that corresponds to a privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadDeletedMessageEvent
public static func isThreadDeletedMessageEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
The `EventHolder` instance containing an event to check.
Returns Type Description Bool
`true` if the `EventHolder` contains a `ThreadDeletedMessageEvent`; otherwise, `false`.
Extracts a ThreadCreatedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractThreadCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . thread . ThreadCreatedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the `ThreadCreatedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadCreatedEvent
The extracted `ThreadCreatedEvent`.
Extracts a ThreadUpdatedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractThreadUpdatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . thread . ThreadUpdatedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the `ThreadUpdatedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadUpdatedEvent
The extracted `ThreadUpdatedEvent`.
Extracts a ThreadDeletedEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractThreadDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . thread . ThreadDeletedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the `ThreadDeletedEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadDeletedEvent
The extracted `ThreadDeletedEvent`.
Extracts a ThreadStatsEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractThreadStatsEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . thread . ThreadStatsChangedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the `ThreadStatsEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadStatsChangedEvent
The extracted `ThreadStatsEvent`.
Extracts a ThreadNewMessageEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractThreadNewMessageEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . thread . ThreadNewMessageEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the `ThreadNewMessageEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadNewMessageEvent
The extracted `ThreadNewMessageEvent`.
Extracts a ThreadDeletedMessageEvent</codeVoice> from the provided <codeVoice>EventHolder
public static func extractThreadDeletedMessageEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . thread . ThreadMessageDeletedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the `ThreadDeletedMessageEvent`.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.thread.ThreadMessageDeletedEvent
The extracted `ThreadDeletedMessageEvent`.
Determines if the event contained in the event holder indicates an inbox creation.
This method checks if the event within the provided EventHolder
instance represents an inbox creation event.
public static func isInboxCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be checked.
Returns Type Description Bool
A `Bool` indicating whether the event is an inbox creation event (`true`) or not (`false`).
Extracts the inbox creation event from the provided event holder.
This method retrieves an InboxCreatedEvent
object from the event contained in the given EventHolder
public static func extractInboxCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . inbox . InboxCreatedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be extracted.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.inbox.InboxCreatedEvent
An `InboxCreatedEvent` containing the details of the created inbox event.
Determines if the event contained in the event holder indicates an inbox update.
This method checks if the event within the provided EventHolder
instance represents an inbox update event.
public static func isInboxUpdatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be checked.
Returns Type Description Bool
A `Bool` indicating whether the event is an inbox update event (`true`) or not (`false`).
Extracts the inbox update event from the provided event holder.
This method retrieves an InboxUpdatedEvent
object from the event contained in the given EventHolder
public static func extractInboxUpdatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . inbox . InboxUpdatedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be extracted.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.inbox.InboxUpdatedEvent
An `InboxUpdatedEvent` containing the details of the updated inbox event.
Determines if the event contained in the event holder indicates an inbox deletion.
This method checks if the event within the provided EventHolder
instance represents an inbox deletion event.
public static func isInboxDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be checked.
Returns Type Description Bool
A `Bool` indicating whether the event is an inbox deletion event (`true`) or not (`false`).
Extracts the inbox deletion event from the provided event holder.
This method retrieves an InboxDeletedEvent
object from the event contained in the given EventHolder
public static func extractInboxDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . inbox . InboxDeletedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be extracted.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.inbox.InboxDeletedEvent
An `InboxDeletedEvent` containing the details of the deleted inbox event.
Determines if the event contained in the event holder indicates the creation of an inbox entry.
This method checks if the event within the provided EventHolder
instance represents an inbox entry creation event.
public static func isInboxEntryCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be checked.
Returns Type Description Bool
A `Bool` indicating whether the event is an inbox entry creation event (`true`) or not (`false`).
Extracts the inbox entry creation event from the provided event holder.
This method retrieves an InboxEntryCreatedEvent
object from the event contained in the given EventHolder
public static func extractInboxEntryCreatedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . inbox . InboxEntryCreatedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be extracted.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.inbox.InboxEntryCreatedEvent
An `InboxEntryCreatedEvent` containing the details of the created inbox entry event.
Determines if the event contained in the event holder indicates the deletion of an inbox entry.
This method checks if the event within the provided EventHolder
instance represents an inbox entry deletion event.
public static func isInboxEntryDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > Bool
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be checked.
Returns Type Description Bool
A `Bool` indicating whether the event is an inbox entry deletion event (`true`) or not (`false`).
Extracts the inbox entry deletion event from the provided event holder.
This method retrieves an InboxEntryDeletedEvent
object from the event contained in the given EventHolder
public static func extractInboxEntryDeletedEvent ( eventHolder : privmx . endpoint . core . EventHolder ) throws - > privmx . endpoint . inbox . InboxEntryDeletedEvent
Params Name Type Description eventHolder privmx.endpoint.core.EventHolder
An `EventHolder` instance containing the event to be extracted.
Returns Type Description privmx.endpoint.inbox.InboxEntryDeletedEvent
An `InboxEntryDeletedEvent` containing the details of the deleted inbox entry event.