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Represents a file with associated metadata and status information.

interface PrivmxFile{
authorPubKey: string;
info: ServerFileInfo;
privateMeta: Uint8Array;
publicMeta: Uint8Array;
size: number;
statusCode: number;


authorPubKeystringPublic key of the author of the file.
infoServerFileInfoInformation about the file from the server.
privateMetaUint8ArrayPrivate metadata associated with the file, represented as a Uint8Array.
publicMetaUint8ArrayPublic metadata associated with the file, represented as a Uint8Array.
sizenumberSize of the file in bytes.
statusCodenumberStatus code of the file. Set to 0 on success.


Information about a file on the server.

interface ServerFileInfo{
author: string;
createDate: number;
fileId: string;
storeId: string;


authorstringThe author of the file.
createDatenumberCreation date of the file, represented as a timestamp.
fileIdstringUnique ID of the file.
storeIdstringUnique ID of the Store where the file is located.


Represents a Store with its metadata and file information.

interface Store{
contextId: string;
createDate: number;
creator: string;
filesCount: number;
lastFileDate: number;
lastModificationDate: number;
lastModifier: string;
managers: string[];
privateMeta: Uint8Array;
publicMeta: Uint8Array;
storeId: string;
users: string[];
version: number;


contextIdstringContext ID of the Store.
createDatenumberCreation date of the Store, represented as a timestamp.
creatorstringThe creator of the Store.
filesCountnumberNumber of files in the Store.
lastFileDatenumberDate of the most recent file added to the Store, represented as a timestamp.
lastModificationDatenumberDate of the last modification to the Store, represented as a timestamp.
lastModifierstringThe last person who modified the Store.
managersstring[]A list of managers associated with the Store.
privateMetaUint8ArrayPrivate metadata associated with the Store, represented as a Uint8Array.
publicMetaUint8ArrayPublic metadata associated with the Store, represented as a Uint8Array.
storeIdstringUnique ID of the Store.
usersstring[]A list of users associated with the Store.
versionnumberVersion number of the Store.


Represents the data associated with a deleted Store event.

interface StoreDeletedEventData{
storeId: string;


storeIdstringUnique ID of the deleted Store.


Represents the data associated with a file deletion event in a Store.

interface StoreFileDeletedEventData{
contextId: string;
fileId: string;
storeId: string;


contextIdstringContext ID of the Store.
fileIdstringUnique ID of the deleted file.
storeIdstringUnique ID of the Store.


Represents payload that is sent while uploading a file to a Store.

interface StoreFilePayload{
data: Uint8Array;
privateMeta: Uint8Array;
publicMeta: Uint8Array;


dataUint8ArrayContent of the file.
privateMetaUint8ArrayOptional, contains confidential data that will be encrypted before being sent to server.
publicMetaUint8ArrayOptional, contains data that can be accessed by everyone and is not encrypted.


Represents the data associated with a change in Store statistics.

interface StoreStatsChangedEventData{
contextId: string;
files: number;
lastFileDate: number;
storeId: string;


contextIdstringContext ID of the Store.
filesnumberNumber of files in the Store.
lastFileDatenumberDate of the most recent file added to the Store, represented as a timestamp.
storeIdstringUnique ID of the Store.