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What is PrivMX?

PrivMX is an Infrastructure for End-To-End Encrypted (E2EE) Communication, allowing you to create or extend an existing application with dedicated channels for end-to-end encrypted data transfer and storage - regardless of the environment and technology you use.

How does PrivMX work?

PrivMX operates on the standard network topology: client (Endpoint) - server (Zero-knowledge Bridge).

It consists of:

  • low-level Endpoint - a library run by applications, which are the ends of secured PrivMX communication channels;
  • Bridge - server-side software, which intermediates in the transfer of encrypted data and stores it.

PrivMX enables communication via text messaging, file exchange, real-time data streaming including video and fully secured Storage for files.

What is PrivMX Bridge?

PrivMX Bridge is a zero-knowledge server software that organizes access to communication channels, mediates the transfer of encrypted data and notifications between Endpoints, and stores encrypted data. Bridge manages the access to channels inside Solutions, which can include any number of freely configurable Contexts. User permissions are assigned to specific communication tools at the level of Contexts.

What is PrivMX Endpoint?

PrivMX Endpoint is a modular, low-level library written in C++, ready to be configured and used on any device (including IoT, VR + more) and any operating system. The library is run by apps and devices which are the ends of secured PrivMX communication channels. It encrypts and decrypts data, manages network connections and provides a functional API, allowing the applications to build their E2EE communication channels based on a few universal, client-side encrypted tools: Threads, Stores, and Inboxes. To use the library on different platforms, you need different Wrappers: JavaScript/TypeScript, Java/Kotlin, Swift.

What is a Solution?

Solution is a complete data container serving a specific purpose and interacting with specific software. It's developed under an Organization and should be treated analogically to a software solution. In the most basic sense it can be treated as a single application. Read more about Solutions.

What is a Context?

Context is a data sub-container, extended with specified access rights for your users, managing data for Threads, Stores and Inboxes. It can be linked with particular features implemented in your software. Read more about Contexts.