A Solution represents an isolated data environment, designed for specific applications or IT solutions. Each Solution is completely separate from the others, to ensure that data, user interactions, and Contexts do not leak between them.
A key architectural feature is that PrivMX Endpoint requires a specific Solution ID during connection. As a result, the Endpoint must first identify and request access to a particular Solution to interact with its internal resources.
Key Features
Solution Separation: All the data inside Solutions is strictly isolated. There is no automatic sharing or access between Solutions, even though they are hosted within the same PrivMX Bridge instance.
Creation and Management: Each new Solution is created with its own unique ID, which is provided while connecting to PrivMX Bridge.
Security Model: Each Solution operates with its own Contexts and keys, ensuring strong data integrity and separation. The Solution itself does not manage or store information about its users; this is delegated to the Contexts.
User Management: Importantly, the Solution itself does not maintain a global user list. Users are associated only with the specific Contexts. This enhances the security and privacy model by minimizing exposure to unnecessary information about other Contexts or users.
In summary, a Solution provides a compartmentalized space for managing resources relevant to specific IT environments or applications, ensuring clear and strict separation of data.
The diagram below visualizes the structure and corelation between Contexts and Solutions: