SMS Notifications
PrivMX Bridge features WebSocket support. This allows you to receive instant notifications about changes, for example:
- new messages in Threads
- new files in Stores
- new items in Inboxes
A common use case is to send SMS notifications when a specific event occurs.
The following example shows how to build an SMS notification system using SMSAPI.
However, you can use any other notification service provider – just remove all the references to SMSAPI and reimplement the sendSms()
To send SMS notifications, you need to have an SMSAPI account. You also need a running PrivMX Bridge instance. Follow the getting started guide to set it up.
Subscribing to Notifications
- Connect to your PrivMX Bridge instance using WebSockets. See PrivMX Bridge docs for more information.
- Use the manager/subscribeToChannel method to subscribe to notification channel(s).
- Handle the incoming notifications and send SMS messages when needed. See SMSAPI docs for more information.
JavaScript example:
import { SMSAPI } from "smsapi";
import WebSocket from "ws";
// Config - replace with your data
const config = {
httpApiUrl: "http://localhost:9111/api",
wsApiUrl: "ws://localhost:9111/api",
apiKeyId: "YOUR_API_KEY_ID",
apiKeySecret: "YOUR_API_KEY_SECRET",
channels: ["thread", "store", "stream", "inbox"],
smsApi: {
url: "",
// Auth
const accessToken = (
await (
await fetch(config.httpApiUrl, {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify({
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 128,
method: "manager/auth",
params: {
grantType: "api_key_credentials",
apiKeyId: config.apiKeyId,
apiKeySecret: config.apiKeySecret,
// Create WebSocket
const ws = new WebSocket(config.wsApiUrl);
let reqId = 1;
const reqMap = new Map();
// Bind access token and subscribe to channels when WebSocket opens
ws.onopen = async () => {
await request("manager/bindAccessToken", {
accessToken: accessToken,
await request("manager/subscribeToChannel", {
channels: config.channels,
// Handle incoming messages
ws.onmessage = (e) => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
const req = reqMap.get(;
if (req) {
if (data.error) {
} else {
} else {
// Act on selected messages - customize as needed
if ( === "thread" &&
data.type === "threadNewMessage" && === "66f76cdc06848d6a6494f783" && === "6757b81daafe67cb6e19180e"
) {
sendSms("New message in thread LoremIpsum");
// Log errors
ws.onerror = (e) => {
console.error("WebSocket error:", e);
// WebSocket request helper
function request(method, params) {
const id = reqId++;
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: id,
method: method,
params: params,
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reqMap.set(id, { resolve, reject });
// SMS sending function that uses SMSAPI
const smsapi = new SMSAPI(config.smsApi.oAuthToken);
async function sendSms(message) {
try {
const result = await smsapi.sms.sendSms(config.smsApi.phoneNumber, message);
console.log("sendSms result", result);
} catch (err) {
console.error("sendSms error", err);
Unsubscribing from Notifications
When you no longer want to receive notifications, use the manager/unsubscribeFromChannel method to unsubscribe from the channel(s).
JavaScript example (uses request()
and config
from the previous example):
await request("manager/unsubscribeFromChannel", {
channels: config.channels,