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SMS Notifications

PrivMX Bridge features WebSocket support. This allows you to receive instant notifications about changes, for example:

  • new messages in Threads
  • new files in Stores
  • new items in Inboxes

A common use case is to send SMS notifications when a specific event occurs. The following example shows how to build an SMS notification system using SMSAPI. However, you can use any other notification service provider – just remove all the references to SMSAPI and reimplement the sendSms() function.


To send SMS notifications, you need to have an SMSAPI account. You also need a running PrivMX Bridge instance. Follow the getting started guide to set it up.

Subscribing to Notifications

  1. Connect to your PrivMX Bridge instance using WebSockets. See PrivMX Bridge docs for more information.
  2. Use the manager/subscribeToChannel method to subscribe to notification channel(s).
  3. Handle the incoming notifications and send SMS messages when needed. See SMSAPI docs for more information.

JavaScript example:

import { SMSAPI } from "smsapi";
import WebSocket from "ws";

// Config - replace with your data
const config = {
httpApiUrl: "http://localhost:9111/api",
wsApiUrl: "ws://localhost:9111/api",
apiKeyId: "YOUR_API_KEY_ID",
apiKeySecret: "YOUR_API_KEY_SECRET",
channels: ["thread", "store", "stream", "inbox"],
smsApi: {
url: "",

// Auth
const accessToken = (
await (
await fetch(config.httpApiUrl, {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify({
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 128,
method: "manager/auth",
params: {
grantType: "api_key_credentials",
apiKeyId: config.apiKeyId,
apiKeySecret: config.apiKeySecret,

// Create WebSocket
const ws = new WebSocket(config.wsApiUrl);
let reqId = 1;
const reqMap = new Map();

// Bind access token and subscribe to channels when WebSocket opens
ws.onopen = async () => {
await request("manager/bindAccessToken", {
accessToken: accessToken,
await request("manager/subscribeToChannel", {
channels: config.channels,

// Handle incoming messages
ws.onmessage = (e) => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
const req = reqMap.get(;
if (req) {
if (data.error) {
} else {
} else {
// Act on selected messages - customize as needed
if ( === "thread" &&
data.type === "threadNewMessage" && === "66f76cdc06848d6a6494f783" && === "6757b81daafe67cb6e19180e"
) {
sendSms("New message in thread LoremIpsum");

// Log errors
ws.onerror = (e) => {
console.error("WebSocket error:", e);

// WebSocket request helper
function request(method, params) {
const id = reqId++;
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: id,
method: method,
params: params,
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reqMap.set(id, { resolve, reject });

// SMS sending function that uses SMSAPI
const smsapi = new SMSAPI(config.smsApi.oAuthToken);
async function sendSms(message) {
try {
const result = await smsapi.sms.sendSms(config.smsApi.phoneNumber, message);
console.log("sendSms result", result);
} catch (err) {
console.error("sendSms error", err);

Unsubscribing from Notifications

When you no longer want to receive notifications, use the manager/unsubscribeFromChannel method to unsubscribe from the channel(s).

JavaScript example (uses request() and config from the previous example):

await request("manager/unsubscribeFromChannel", {
channels: config.channels,