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Policy Builders

PrivMX Endpoint has configurable policies that determine who can perform specified actions in Containers and Items. To learn more about them see the Policies documentation.

PrivMX Endpoint Swift Extra package provides an enumeration of possible policy values in ItemPolicyValue, ContainerPolicyValue and SpecialPolicyValue enums; as well as ItemPolicyBuilder and ContainerPolicyBuilder classes for configuring the respective Policies.

Combining Policy Values

Some policy values like ContainerPolicyComplexValue or ItemPolicyComplexValue can be combined with the same type of policy value using .AND() or .OR() methods.

Configuring a Container Policy

Not configured builder will create an empty policy, which is equivalent to setting inherit in all fields. To configure it, call the methods responsible for setting particular policies. Those calls can be chained together, since each of the methods setting a policy value returns the reference to the builder. The ContainerPolicyBuilder can build both ContainerPolicy and ContainerPolicyWithoutItem by calling .build() and .buildWithoutItem() respectively.

To build the ItemPolicy, use ItemPolicyBuilder which works in the same way as ContainerPolicyBuilder:
