Managing Files
Stores allow you to exchange and save files. In this section, we'll take a closer look at file structures and how to manage them effectively. We'll also cover some best practices when working with Stores.
About Files
Along with a file's main content, additional metadata is stored to allow easy file management. Below is the structure of the metadata associated with each file:
field | type | encrypted | description |
info | ServerFileInfo | yes | additional information assigned by the server e.g. author, creationDate , storeID and fileID |
publicMeta | binary | no | additional public information about the message, also accessible through Bridge API |
privateMeta | binary | yes | additional information about the message |
size | number | yes | The size of file in getBytes |
authorPubKey | string | yes | The public key of the author of the file |
statusCode | number | no | 0 if the file was decrypted successfully |
Listing Files
The sample code on this page is based on the same assumptions mentioned in Managing Stores.
Here's how you can retrieve and list files from a Store:
core::PagingQuery query = {.skip = 0, .limit = 30, .sortOrder = "desc"};
// list files of the Store specified by storeId
auto filesResult {storesApi.listFiles(storeId, query)};
for (auto file: filesResult.readItems) {
std::cout << "File ID: " << << std::endl;
std::cout << "File size: " << file.size << std::endl;
Deleting Files
Deleting a file is straightforward, but be aware that this action is irreversible:
// deleting file specified by fileId