Object SortOrder{...}
Holds Event details
Object Event{...}
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | event type |
channel | string | channel |
connectionId | number | id of source connection |
data | unknown |
Contains query parameters for methods returning lists (PagingList)
Object PagingQuery{...}
Name | Type | Description |
skip | number | number of elements to skip from result |
limit | number | limit of elements to return for query |
sortOrder | SortOrder | Order of elements in result. Use "asc" for ascending, "desc" for descening. |
lastId | string | id of the element from which query results should start |
Contains results of listing methods
Object PagingList{...}
Name | Type | Description |
totalAvailable | number | total items available to get |
readItems | T[] | list of items read during single method call |
Contains base Context information
Object Context{...}
Name | Type | Description |
userId | string | ID of user requesting information |
contextId | string | ID of context |
Contains ID of user and the corresponding public key
Object UserWithPubKey{...}
Name | Type | Description |
userId | string | ID of the user |
pubKey | string | user's public key |
Holds all available information about a Thread.
Object Thread{...}
Name | Type | Description |
contextId | string | ID of the Context |
threadId | string | ID ot the Thread |
createDate | number | Thread creation timestamp |
creator | string | |
lastModificationDate | number | Thread last modification timestamp |
lastModifier | string | ID of the user who last modified the Thread |
users | string[] | list of users (their IDs) with access to the Thread |
managers | string[] | list of users (their IDs) with management rights |
version | number | version number (changes on updates) |
lastMsgDate | number | timestamp of last posted message |
publicMeta | Uint8Array | Thread's public meta data |
privateMeta | Uint8Array | Thread's private mata data |
policy | ContainerPolicy | Thread's policies |
messagesCount | number | total number of messages in the Thread |
statusCode | number | status code of retrival and decryption of the Thread |
Holds information about the Message.
Object Message{...}
Name | Type | Description |
info | ServerMessageInfo | message's information created by server |
publicMeta | Uint8Array | message's public meta data |
privateMeta | Uint8Array | message's private mata data |
data | Uint8Array | message's data |
authorPubKey | string | public key of an author of the message |
statusCode | number | status code of retrival and decryption of the message |
Holds message's information created by server
Object ServerMessageInfo{...}
Name | Type | Description |
threadId | string | ID of the Thread |
messageId | string | ID of the message |
createDate | number | message's creation timestamp |
author | string | ID of the user who created the message |
Holds all available information about a Store.
Object Store{...}
Name | Type | Description |
storeId | string | ID ot the Store |
contextId | string | ID of the Context |
createDate | number | Store creation timestamp |
creator | string | ID of user who created the Store |
lastModificationDate | number | Thread last modification timestamp |
lastFileDate | number | timestamp of last created file |
lastModifier | string | ID of the user who last modified the Store |
users | string[] | list of users (their IDs) with access to the Store |
managers | string[] | list of users (their IDs) with management rights |
version | number | version number (changes on updates) |
publicMeta | Uint8Array | Store's public meta data |
privateMeta | Uint8Array | Store's private mata data |
policy | ContainerPolicy | Store's policies |
filesCount | number | total number of files in the Store |
statusCode | number | status code of retrival and decryption of the Store |
Holds information about the file.
Object File{...}
Name | Type | Description |
info | ServerFileInfo | file's information created by server |
publicMeta | Uint8Array | file's public meta data |
privateMeta | Uint8Array | file's private mata data |
size | number | file's size |
authorPubKey | string | public key of an author of the file |
statusCode | number |
Holds file's information created by server
Object ServerFileInfo{...}
Name | Type | Description |
storeId | string | ID of the Store |
fileId | string | ID of the file |
createDate | number | file's creation timestamp |
author | string | ID of the user who created the file |
Holds all available information about an Inbox.
Object Inbox{...}
Name | Type | Description |
inboxId | string | ID ot the Inbox |
contextId | string | ID of the Context |
createDate | number | Inbox creation timestamp |
creator | string | ID of user who created the Inbox |
lastModificationDate | number | Inbox last modification timestamp |
lastModifier | string | ID of the user who last modified the Inbox |
users | string[] | list of users (their IDs) with access to the Inbox |
managers | string[] | list of users (their IDs) with management rights |
version | number | version number (changes on updates) |
publicMeta | Uint8Array | Inbox' public meta data |
privateMeta | Uint8Array | Inbox' private mata data |
filesConfig | FilesConfig | Inbox' files configuration |
policy | ContainerWithoutItemPolicy | Inbox' policies |
statusCode | number | status code of retrival and decryption of the Inbox |
Holds Inbox' public information
Object InboxPublicView{...}
Name | Type | Description |
inboxId | string | ID of the Inbox |
version | number | version of the Inbox |
publicMeta | Uint8Array | Inbox' public meta data |
Holds information about Inbox' entry
Object InboxEntry{...}
Name | Type | Description |
entryId | string | ID of the entry |
inboxId | string | ID of the Inbox |
data | Uint8Array | entry data |
files | File[] | list of files attached to the entry |
authorPubKey | string | public key of the author of an entry |
createDate | number | Inbox entry creation timestamp |
statusCode | number | status code of retrival and decryption of the Inbox entry |
Holds Inbox files configuration
Object FilesConfig{...}
Name | Type | Description |
minCount | number | minimum numer of files required when sending inbox entry |
maxCount | number | maximum numer of files allowed when sending inbox entry |
maxFileSize | number | maximum file size allowed when sending inbox entry |
maxWholeUploadSize | number | maximum size of all files in total allowed when sending inbox entry |
Holds Container policies settings
Object ContainerWithoutItemPolicy{...}
Name | Type | Description |
get | PolicyEntry | determine who can get a container |
update | PolicyEntry | determine who can update a container |
delete | PolicyEntry | determine who can delete a container |
updatePolicy | PolicyEntry | determine who can update the policy of a container |
updaterCanBeRemovedFromManagers | PolicyBooleanEntry | determine whether the updater can be removed from the list of managers |
ownerCanBeRemovedFromManagers | PolicyBooleanEntry | determine whether the owner can be removed from the list of managers |
Holds Container policies settings
Object ContainerPolicy{...} extends ContainerWithoutItemPolicy
Name | Type | Description |
item | ItemPolicy | item policies |
Object PolicyEntry{...}
Object PolicyBooleanEntry{...}
Holds Container's item policies settings
Object ItemPolicy{...}
Name | Type | Description |
get | PolicyEntry | determine who can get an item |
listMy | PolicyEntry | determine who can list items created by me |
listAll | PolicyEntry | determine who can list all items |
create | PolicyEntry | determine who can create an item |
update | PolicyEntry | determine who can update an item |
delete | PolicyEntry | determine who can delete an item |
Holds error details
Object Error{...}
Name | Type | Description |
code | number | error code |
name | string | error name |
scope | string | error scope |
description | string | error description |
full | string | all available data about the error |