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  • Overview

    The CryptoApi class provides a set of cryptographic functions that can be used to generate keys, sign data, encrypt/decrypt data, and more. This documentation will guide you through some common use cases, such as generating a private and public key pair, implementing a login flow using signatures, and other cryptographic operations.

    Getting Started

    To use the CryptoApi class, you first need to import and instantiate it:

    import { Endpoint } from '@simplito/privmx-webendpoint';

    const cryptoApi = await Endpoint.createCryptoApi();

    Generating Private and Public Key Pair

    You can generate a private and public key pair using a login and password. The private key is derived from the password and a salt, while the public key is derived from the private key.

    const login = "EXAMPLE_LOGIN";
    const password = "EXAMPLE_PASSWORD";
    const salt = "EXAMPLE_SALT";

    // Derive the private key from the password and salt
    const privateKey = await cryptoApi.derivePrivateKey2(password, salt);

    // Derive the public key from the private key
    const publicKey = await cryptoApi.derivePublicKey(privateKey);

    console.log("Private Key:", privateKey);
    console.log("Public Key:", publicKey);

    Login Flow Using Signature Verification

    In a typical login flow, the client signs a challenge (e.g., a random string) using their private key, and the server verifies the signature using the corresponding public key.

    // Assume the server sends a challenge to the client
    const challenge = Buffer.from("RANDOM_CHALLENGE_STRING");

    // Sign the challenge using the private key
    const signature = await cryptoApi.signData(challenge, privateKey);

    // Send the signature and public key to the server for verification
    const loginData = {
    publicKey: publicKey,
    signature: signature

    // Send loginData to the server

    Encrypting and Decrypting Data

    You can use the CryptoApi to encrypt and decrypt data using symmetric keys.

    const data = new TextEncoder().encode("Sensitive data to encrypt");

    // Generate a symmetric key
    const symmetricKey = await cryptoApi.generateKeySymmetric();

    // Encrypt the data
    const encryptedData = await cryptoApi.encryptDataSymmetric(data, symmetricKey);

    console.log("Encrypted Data:", encryptedData);

    Additional Use Cases

    Converting PEM Key to WIF Format

    If you have a private key in PEM format, you can convert it to WIF format using the convertPEMKeytoWIFKey method:

    const pemKey = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";
    const wifKey = await cryptoApi.convertPEMKeytoWIFKey(pemKey);

    console.log("WIF Key:", wifKey);

    Generating a Random Private Key

    You can generate a random private key without using a password or salt.

    const privateKey = await cryptoApi.generatePrivateKey();
    console.log("Random Private Key:", privateKey);