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Plugin Configuration

The com.simplito.privmx-endpoint-install-native Gradle plugin automates the process of downloading and installing shared libraries into the module directory. The downloaded libraries are installed in the src/main/jniLibs directory of your module.


version (required)

The version of the native shared libraries to download.

public String version

channel (optional)

Channel is part of the URL of the libraries. The default channel for libraries is main (

public String channel

platform (optional)

A list of platforms (as a pair of operating system and architecture) for which to download the native shared library. The default is the building platform.

public List<PrivmxEndpointPlatform> platform


  1. Add mavenCentral() repository to your settings.gradle:
pluginManagement {
  1. Add plugin in build.gradle:
plugins {
id "com.simplito.privmx-endpoint-install-native" version "$pluginVersion"
  1. Configure plugin in build.gradle:
version = $nativeLibVersion // Set the version of library to download, it should
// match the privmx-endpoint-java dependency version

// Set the channel of native libraries source
channel = "main"

// Set project supported platforms to download native libraries for them.
platforms = [