Working With Inboxes
Inboxes provide a secure way to receive entries from both internal and external sources.
- Entries can contain binary data and files.
- Each Context can contain any number of Inboxes with unique identifiers (
) used to distinguish them. - Everyone with access to
, and Bridge URL can send an entry, but only the users who are added to given Inbox can read them.
The user list in Inbox is designed to be flexible, accommodating a wide range of use cases.
Inboxes differentiate three types of users: Regular Users, Managers, and External Users. The table below shows what actions can be performed by each type of users:
Activity | User | Manager | External |
Submitting entries | yes | yes | yes |
Fetching entries | yes | yes | no |
Deleting entries | no | yes | no |
Editing Inbox | no | yes | no |
The values above are the default policy values defined by PrivMX. To read more about Policies and learn how to modify them, go to Policies.
Initial Assumptions
The initial assumptions for all the code examples below are as follows:
Replace placeholder values such as BRIDGE_URL
with those corresponding to your PrivMX Bridge instance.
The private keys here are for demonstration purposes only.
Normally, they should be kept separately by each user and stored in a safe place,
or generated from a password (see the derivePrivateKey()
method in Crypto API)
const BRIDGE_URL = "http://localhost:9111";
const USER1_ID = "user_1";
const USER2_ID = "user_2";
const USER3_ID = "user_3";
//helper functions for encoding and decoding strings
function uint8ToStr(arr) {
return (new TextDecoder()).decode(arr);
function strToUint8(text) {
return (new TextEncoder()).encode(text);
// Initialize Endpoint and its Wasm assets
await Endpoint.setup("/public");
// initialize Endpoint connection, Threads API, Store API
const connection = await Endpoint.connect(USER1_PRIV, SOLUTION_ID, BRIDGE_URL);
const threadApi = await Endpoint.createThreadApi(connection);
const storeApi = await Endpoint.createStoreApi(connection);
// Inbox API require Thread API and Store API instance
const inboxApi = await Endpoint.createInboxApi(connection,threadApi,storeApi);
Creating Inbox
To create an Inbox, you need to name it and provide a list of public key - userID pairs. See how to get them in Bridge installation guide.
Due to the fact that each Inbox is inside a Context, all the public keys have to be registered inside the given Context.
You can do it using Bridge API context/addUserToContext
While creating an Inbox, you can also provide additional information:
contains additional info about the Inbox. It is not encrypted before sending to PrivMX Bridge. Inbox API provides methods for accessing this field aspublicView
. For more information about InboxpublicView
and its common use cases go to Using Public View. -
this field will be encrypted by PrivMX Endpoint before sending to PrivMX Bridge. It's meant to store additional sensitive information about the Inbox.privateMeta
is accessible only for users registered to the given Inbox. -
you can specify up front file requirements for each entry submitted to the Inbox. This config includes min and max count of files in an entry, their max size, but also max size of whole upload. -
determines what actions will be available to specific users. For more information and use cases, go to Policies.
Public and private metadata is sent in binary format.
After creating an Inbox, all the users with management rights will be able to edit it. Skip to Modifying Inboxes for more info.
The examples below demonstrate how to create Inboxes:
Create a new Inbox with access for user_1
as a manager and user_2
as a regular user.
You can include the name of the Inbox within the privateMeta
object. This metadata is encrypted before being sent to PrivMX Bridge, ensuring its confidentiality.
const managers = [
{userId: USER1_ID, pubKey: USER1_PUBLIC_KEY}
const users = [
{userId: USER1_ID, pubKey: USER1_PUBLIC_KEY},
{userId: USER2_ID, pubKey: USER2_PUBLIC_KEY}
const storeId = await inboxApi.createInbox(
this.strToUint8("some store's public meta-data"),
name: "some_store"
Managers in Inboxes
Managers declared while creating the Inbox, also have to be included in the regular user list.
Listing Inboxes
Your application may include multiple Inboxes, each associated with different Contexts. You can retrieve a list of all Inboxes within a given Context. This list, alongside the metadata you sent while creating the Inbox, will include useful metadata about the Inbox, such as the creation date, last file upload date, user list, and information about the last modification.
PrivMX Endpoint takes care of decrypting received data, which means you only have to take care of decoding them from binary format.
Here's an example of how to download the last 30 Inboxes created within a Context:
const query: Types.PagingQuery = {skip: 0, limit: 30, sortOrder: "desc"};
const result = await inboxApi.listInboxes(CONTEXT_ID, query);
for (const inbox of result.readItems) {
console.log("Inbox ID: ", store.storeId);
// Decode the data back into a string and parse its content
const privateMeta = JSON.parse(uint8ToStr(inbox.privateMeta))
To limit collecting too much data when downloading Inboxes, specify the page index (starting from 0) and the number of items to be included on each page.
Modifying Inboxes
Depending on your project's specification, it may be necessary to modify an Inbox. It could be, for example, changing the name or adding/removing users. Each user with management rights is able to modify Inboxes, delete them as a whole or only particular entries.
Updating an Inbox means overwriting it with the provided data.
To successfully update an Inbox, you must specify its current version
The version
field is mandatory to handle multiple updates on the server, and it is incremented by 1 with each update.
Below there is an example of modifying an Inbox:
// Add a new user to the existing ones in the Inbox
const newUsersList = [
{userId: USER1_ID, pubKey: USER1_PUBLIC_KEY},
{userId: USER2_ID, pubKey: USER2_PUBLIC_KEY},
{userId: USER3_ID, pubKey: USER3_PUBLIC_KEY}
const inbox = await inboxApi.getInbox(inboxId);
// Edit the Inbox name
const privateMeta = JSON.parse(uint8ToStr(inbox.privateMeta)); = "New Inbox Name";
await inboxApi.updateInbox(
false, // force
false // forceGenerateNewKey
Three additional options are available when changing the list of users inside an Inbox:
- applies an update, without checking the current version.forceGenerateNewKey
- re-encrypts entries in the Inbox. It's useful when a user is removed, and you want to prevent them from accessing the Inbox.policy
- you can also pass a new policy object as the last optional argument.
Using Public View
You can fetch Inbox public view using getInboxPublicView
Public view contains the publicMeta
field from Inbox.
Keep in mind that every user with access to Inbox ID can get its public view.
In Inboxes, publicMeta
can store information about the required structure of an entry.
For example, while creating an Inbox, you could save the required fields:
"fields": [
"type": "text",
"question": "Your Name"},
"type": "select",
"question": "Favorite Language",
"options": ["JavaScript","Java","Swift","C#"]
Then, you can dynamically create a form based on this schema:
const publicView = await inboxApi.getInboxPublicView(INBOX_ID)
const publicMeta = JSON.parse(uint8ToStr(publicView.publicMeta)
In React, for example, you could map each of the fields to its input types:
//rest of your component
{ => {
switch (field.type) {
case "text":
return (
<input type={"text"} name={field.question} />
case "select":
return (
<select name={field.question}>
{ => (
<option value={option}>{option}</option>
return <></>