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Holds information about the Message.

public class Message{
String authorPubKey,
byte[] data,
ServerMessageInfo info,
byte[] privateMeta,
byte[] publicMeta,
Long statusCode


authorPubKeyStringPublic key of the author of the message.
databyte[]Message's data.
infoServerMessageInfoMessage's information created by server.
privateMetabyte[]Message's private metadata.
publicMetabyte[]Message's public metadata.
statusCodeLongStatus code of retrieval and decryption of the `Message`.


Holds message's information created by server.

public class ServerMessageInfo{
String author,
Long createDate,
String messageId,
String threadId


authorStringID of the user who created the message.
createDateLongMessage's creation timestamp.
messageIdStringID of the message.
threadIdStringID of the message's Thread.


Holds all available information about a Thread.

public class Thread{
String contextId,
Long createDate,
String creator,
Long lastModificationDate,
String lastModifier,
Long lastMsgDate,
List<String> managers,
Long messagesCount,
byte[] privateMeta,
byte[] publicMeta,
Long statusCode,
String threadId,
List<String> users,
Long version


contextIdStringID of the Thread's Context.
createDateLongThread creation timestamp.
creatorStringID of the user who created the Thread.
lastModificationDateLongThread last modification timestamp.
lastModifierStringID of the user who last modified the Thread.
lastMsgDateLongTimestamp of the last posted message.
managersList<String>List of users (their IDs) with management rights.
messagesCountLongTotal number of messages in the Thread.
privateMetabyte[]Thread's private metadata.
publicMetabyte[]Thread's public metadata.
statusCodeLongStatus code of retrieval and decryption of the `Thread`.
threadIdStringID of the Thread.
usersList<String>List of users (their IDs) with access to the Thread.
versionLongVersion number (changes on updates).