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Key Concepts

PrivMX Bridge

To use PrivMX, you must first install PrivMX Bridge.

Bridge is a server-side zero-knowledge software that intermediates in the transfer of encrypted data and notifications between Endpoints and stores encrypted data for Threads, Stores, and Inboxes.

More information and Bridge installation guides


A Solution represents an isolated data environment, designed for specific applications or IT solutions. Each Solution is completely separate from the others, to ensure that data, user interactions, and Contexts do not leak between them.

Learn more about Solutions


Contexts provide another level of organization and are crucial for user management and data access control. Each Context represents a distinct space within a Solution, where users can be assigned specific roles and permissions using public keys. Every Context has to be assigned to a Solution.

Learn more about Contexts

PrivMX Endpoint

After setting up a PrivMX Bridge instance, you need PrivMX Endpoint to handle the encryption, network connections, and build communication channels.

Endpoint is a low-level library written in C++ with range of wrappers for various programming languages and devices.

More information and Endpoint installation guides

Endpoint provides a functional API, allowing the applications to build their E2EE communication channels based on a few universal, client-side encrypted tools:


Threads are a structured communication tool used for message based communication.

Users create Threads to organize topic-specific conversations where they can securely exchange encrypted messages with designated participants. All the active users are notified right away when a new message arrives or anything within the Thread changes.

Learn more about working with Threads


Stores are a structured data storage and communication tool used for file exchange and management.

Users create Stores to organize topic-specific spaces where they can securely upload encrypted files and share them with designated participants. All the active users are notified right away when a file is uploaded or modified. Stores can be integrated with Threads.

Learn more about working with Stores


Inboxes are a special kind of communication tool used for one way communication with external users.

An authorized PrivMX user can create an Inbox, configure it's snippet and place it in a desired place (like webpage or an app). Anonymous, unregistered users can send data to the Inbox. This procedure uses Inbox Public Key, which allows to write data to an Inbox. One time access assures that the writer has no possibility of reading the data once it's sent.

Learn more about working with Inboxes