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PrivMX allows developers to build end-to-end encrypted apps used for communication. It's designed as platform- and programming environment-agnostic technology with standard network topology: client - server (Endpoint - Zero-knowledge Bridge).


PrivMX uses verified and efficient combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption – by default: the ECIES scheme combining AES-256 with ECC based on sepc256k1 curve – apps use public-private key pairs.

Learn more about encryption in PrivMX

PrivMX Platform works according to privacy-by-design mindset, so all of our solutions are based on Zero-Knowledge architecture. The Platform enables communication through text messages, secure file storage and real-time data streaming.


Build your end-to-end encrypted channels using our universal client-side tools for various communication scenarios:


Server-side zero-knowledge software that intermediates in the transfer of encrypted data and notifications between Endpoints and stores encrypted data for Threads, Stores, and Inboxes.

For more information and installation guides, go to this section.


Low-level library written in C++ with range of wrappers for various programming languages and devices.

Choose language to get started: