namespace: privmx::endpoint::core
Contains container and its items policies.
struct privmx::endpoint::core::ContainerPolicy{...} : ContainerPolicyWithoutItem
Name | Type | Description |
item | std::optional< ItemPolicy > | Policy for container's items |
namespace: privmx::endpoint::core
Contains container's policies.
struct privmx::endpoint::core::ContainerPolicyWithoutItem{...}
Name | Type | Description |
get | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can get a container |
update | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can update a container |
delete_ | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can delete a container |
updatePolicy | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can update policy |
updaterCanBeRemovedFromManagers | std::optional< std::string > | Determine whether the updater can be removed from the list of managers |
ownerCanBeRemovedFromManagers | std::optional< std::string > | Determine whether the owner can be removed from the list of managers |
namespace: privmx::endpoint::core
Contains base Context information.
struct privmx::endpoint::core::Context{...}
Name | Type | Description |
userId | std::string | ID of the user requesting information |
contextId | std::string | ID of the Context |
namespace: privmx::endpoint::core
Contains container items policies.
struct privmx::endpoint::core::ItemPolicy{...}
Name | Type | Description |
get | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can get an item |
listMy | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can list items created by me |
listAll | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can list all items |
create | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can create an item |
update | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can update an item |
delete_ | std::optional< std::string > | Determine who can delete an item |
namespace: privmx::endpoint::core
Contains results of listing methods.
struct privmx::endpoint::core::PagingList{...}
Name | Type | Description |
totalAvailable | int64_t | total items available to get |
readItems | std::vector< T > | list of items read during single method call |
namespace: privmx::endpoint::core
Contains query parameters for methods returning lists PagingList
struct privmx::endpoint::core::PagingQuery{...}
Name | Type | Description |
skip | int64_t | number of elements to skip from result |
limit | int64_t | limit of elements to return for query |
sortOrder | std::string | order of elements in result ("asc" for ascending, "desc" for descending) |
lastId | std::optional< std::string > | ID of the element from which query results should start |
namespace: privmx::endpoint::core
Contains ID of a user and the corresponding public key.
struct privmx::endpoint::core::UserWithPubKey{...}
Name | Type | Description |
userId | std::string | ID of the user |
pubKey | std::string | user's public key |